
Tektronix power probe works with 1mV and shuns 60V bias

Publically showing for the first time will be 1mV-accurate power rail probes: TPR1000 and TPR4000. Designed specifically for minimising noise, they work with up to 60V of offset.

Then there is the firm’s recently announced 6 series of mixed signal oscilloscopes, that are built around an in-house-designed asic and work up to 8GHz and 25Gsample/s simultaneously on four channels.

The earlier 5 series gets new automotive-specific software solutions designed to speed up validation and debug and for electronics systems found in vehicles, then there is an arbitrary waveform and function generator called AFG31000 that is said to have the largest tough screen for its kind, the DMM6500 6½-digit multimeter and the DAQ6510 data acquisition and logging multimeter.