Gates and Inverters IC

Bilde Delenummer produsenter Beskrivelse Utsikt
SN74AUP1G06DCKR Texas Instruments IC INVERTER SINGLE 1INPUT SC70-5 Forespørsel
NC7ST02M5 Image NC7ST02M5 Fairchild/ON Semiconductor IC GATE NOR 1CH 2-INP SOT-23-5 Forespørsel
74ALVC86MTCX Fairchild/ON Semiconductor IC GATE XOR 4CH 2-INP 14-TSSOP Forespørsel
74HCT08D(BJ) Toshiba Semiconductor and Storage IC GATE AND DUAL 4 IN 14SOIC Forespørsel
SN74AHCT08QPWRQ1 Texas Instruments IC GATE AND 4CH 2-INP 14-TSSOP Forespørsel
M74HC27B1R STMicroelectronics IC GATE NOR 3CH 3-INP 14-DIP Forespørsel
SN74AHC00DGVRE4 Texas Instruments IC GATE NAND 4CH 2-INP 14-TVSOP Forespørsel
SN74AHCU04DGVRE4 Texas Instruments IC INVERTER HEX 14-TVSOP Forespørsel
74AUP2G08GN,115 Image 74AUP2G08GN,115 Nexperia USA Inc. IC GATE AND 2CH 2-INP 8-XSON Forespørsel
NC7SV14L6X Image NC7SV14L6X Fairchild/ON Semiconductor IC INVERTER ULP-A SCHMTT 6MCRPAK Forespørsel
MC74HCU04ADTR2 ON Semiconductor IC INVERTER HEX UNBUFF 14-TSSOP Forespørsel
CD4002BM Texas Instruments IC GATE NOR 2CH 4-INP 14-SOIC Forespørsel
NC7WZ00K8X Image NC7WZ00K8X Fairchild/ON Semiconductor IC GATE NAND 2CH 2-INP US8 Forespørsel
NLSF308MNR2 Image NLSF308MNR2 ON Semiconductor IC GATE AND 4CH 2-INP 16-QFN Forespørsel
SN74LVC04ADRG4 Texas Instruments IC HEX INVERTER 14-SOIC Forespørsel
SN74AS832BDWRG4 Texas Instruments IC GATE OR 6CH 2-INP 20-SOIC Forespørsel
74HCT08D,653 Image 74HCT08D,653 Nexperia USA Inc. IC GATE AND 4CH 2-INP 14-SO Forespørsel
CD74ACT08M96E4 Texas Instruments IC GATE AND 4CH 2-INP 14-SOIC Forespørsel
MC74HC132ANG ON Semiconductor IC GATE NAND 4CH 2-INP 14-DIP Forespørsel
74HCU04BQ,115 Image 74HCU04BQ,115 Nexperia USA Inc. IC HEX INVERTER 14DHVQFN Forespørsel
M74HCT04B1R STMicroelectronics IC HEX INVERTER 14-DIP Forespørsel
74LCX14SJ Image 74LCX14SJ Fairchild/ON Semiconductor IC INVERTER HEX SCHMITT 14SOP Forespørsel
74AHCT1G06GW,125 Image 74AHCT1G06GW,125 NXP USA Inc. IC INVERTER O-D OUTPUT 5TSSOP Forespørsel
SN74AHC32DBR Texas Instruments IC GATE OR 4CH 2-INP 14-SSOP Forespørsel
74LV14DB,118 Image 74LV14DB,118 Nexperia USA Inc. IC HEX INV SCHMITT TRIG 14SSOP Forespørsel
NLV14077BDG ON Semiconductor IC GATE XNOR 4CH 2-INP 14-SOIC Forespørsel
NLV74AC14DTR2G ON Semiconductor IC HEX INVERT SCHM TRIG 14TSSOP Forespørsel
SN74LVC1G00YZAR Texas Instruments IC GATE NAND 1CH 2-INP 5-DSBGA Forespørsel
SN74AHCT08QDRQ1 Texas Instruments IC GATE AND 4CH 2-INP 14-SOIC Forespørsel
74AUP1G38GX,125 Nexperia USA Inc. IC GATE NAND 1CH 2-INP 4-SON Forespørsel
SN74LVC1G00DCKRG4 Texas Instruments IC GATE NAND 1CH 2-INP SC-70-5 Forespørsel
SN74LVC08AQPWRG4Q1 Texas Instruments IC GATE AND 4CH 2-INP 14-TSSOP Forespørsel
74AUP2G04GW-Q100H Image 74AUP2G04GW-Q100H Nexperia USA Inc. IC INVERTER DUAL 1-INPUT 6TSSOP Forespørsel
SN74LVC2G04DCKRE4 Texas Instruments IC DUAL INVERTER GATE SC70-6 Forespørsel
74HC1G02GW,165 Image 74HC1G02GW,165 Nexperia USA Inc. IC GATE NOR 1CH 2-INP 5-TSSOP Forespørsel
N74F804N,602 Image N74F804N,602 NXP USA Inc. IC GATE NAND 6CH 2-INP 20-DIP Forespørsel
SN74HCT32N Texas Instruments IC GATE OR 4CH 2-INP 14-DIP Forespørsel
MC74AC14NG ON Semiconductor IC SCHMITT TRIGGER HEX INV 14DIP Forespørsel
MC74LVX132MG ON Semiconductor IC GATE NAND 4CH 2-INP 14-SOEIAJ Forespørsel
SN74LS86ANSR Texas Instruments IC GATE XOR 4CH 2-INP 14-SO Forespørsel
MC74VHC1GT02DFT2 Image MC74VHC1GT02DFT2 ON Semiconductor IC GATE NOR 1CH 2-INP SC-70 Forespørsel
CD74HC4049M96G4 Texas Instruments IC INVERTER HEX 1INPUT 16SOIC Forespørsel
74AUP1G09SE-7 Image 74AUP1G09SE-7 Diodes Incorporated IC GATE AND 1CH 2-INP SOT-353 Forespørsel
74LX1G00STR Image 74LX1G00STR STMicroelectronics IC GATE NAND 1CH 2-INP SOT-23-5 Forespørsel
74LVC132AD,112 Image 74LVC132AD,112 Nexperia USA Inc. IC GATE NAND 4CH 2-INP 14-SO Forespørsel
SN74AC10N Texas Instruments IC GATE NAND 3CH 3-INP 14-DIP Forespørsel
MM74HC132MTCX Fairchild/ON Semiconductor IC GATE NAND 4CH 2-INP 14-TSSOP Forespørsel
MM74HCT32MX Fairchild/ON Semiconductor IC GATE OR 4CH 2-INP 14-SOIC Forespørsel
Records 9,651